To All World Leaders Forever!


To All Word Leaders Forever!jpg

The Slave Trade from Africa to the Americas’ and Europe, and over the world need to reverence, and remember the estimated 4 to 5 millions that lost their lives trying to escape, “Prosecution of Enslavement,” by those looking to enslave them! Remember, “The Great Holocaust of Enslavement,” against the indigenous people and their, “Enormous Suffering!” Never, let this happen again!
It is NEVER GOOD to repeat the same destroying genocidal acts of calamitous atrocities, and barbarism against another nation, and their lands. Do not try, and organized a global systems to dominate, institutionalized, or systematized the world and all its resources, for “so-called supremacy dreams with faithlessness, and holocaust rumors of wars, or more wars!” When really, it was a “PLANNED SACRIFICE ALL ALONG!” With fake dreams of world materialism, capitalism or imperialism ONLY EVIL WILL PREVAIL! This will not manifest, or produce a world of mental slavery or slaves; nor predictive slave programming! No! Not at all! What will manifest is the answer to a cursed prophecy! A darkness against a world cursed with a, “DARK AGE,” that will never end!
Without solutions, and answers to STOP these evils’ of destruction; you are the cause, and effect of all evils’ and, ALL its DARKNESS! I pray that you all do not make this
land-mine decision of WORLD destruction.
May the Most High have mercy on your soul! ~ DiLinda
Summation Words to Honor: Dr. John Henrik Clarke.
Please prepare yourselves, with all your strength! Help saved your loved ones, family and friends for what is coming upon the earth! The Golden Age is upon us, in the year 2032. No one knows the day or the hour, but we are supposed to know the seasons we in. Either all good, or all evil will enter the Golden Age and ascend! Never, in all history has all “evil” ascended! I pray this will not be the first time it happens! Are you ready for the truth and greatness? Or, lies and all darkness? Help me pray against all evil, and all the darkness!!!
Ark of the Coveant!
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Did They Already Banned the Bible??

The Ban of the Bible

Did they already banned the bible? Why is there 64,00 words missing from the bible, why? The question is, why does anyone think they have authority over the bible, our ancient history book? Why did they change the meaning of our bible.  Is it a plan to stop our children from learning the truth? Is it a way to make sure that the True Jews don’t know who they are? Is it a way to make sure that all of the next generations will search for the truth and not find its meaning! Is it a way to control everyone with artificial truth and meaning?  Is this a way of turning people into monsters, and demons into a beast under Satan? Is this a generational plan to curse the truth?  Didn’t they murder over 55,000+ and counting for this very same reason before? How deep does this rabbit hole go? If the answer to all these questions are “YES”, does that mean you agree with banning the bible? Without the bible who is are the real beast?  Is your life history the true artificial intelligence in the whole wide world? I think the bible has already been banned….to create an artificial world without the truth that is true! I mean, hasn’t that been the plan along? I will let you answer  these questions!  If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you should seek the Most High and learn the truth! Shalawam. ~DiLinda


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From Babylon to Timbuktu:


This book by Rudolph R. Windsor, and his excellent research will help someone know “WHO” they are, and where they came from! This book will tell you how we ended up in Africa!

From Babylon to Timbuktu

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Atonement for the Hebrews Nation

starts on our Holy Day on September 17, 2018 at Sundown, until September 18, 2018 at Sundown. We are supposed to fast, and eat nothing or drink anything, not even water! Join me, if you know the “real truth!” We know that most of the fallen angels lies are being torn apart. I know in my Holy Spirit something big is getting ready to happen. I sense that the new Golden Age that starts in 2032 has something to do with what’s going on in the world. GOCC The Ten Plagues of EgyptI believe the evil forces are going to try everything to ascend during the Golden Age. That is only 14 years from now, not much time left, to get right with the Most High! No one knows the day, or the hour, but we are supposed to know the season we are in. Maybe, the Golden Age is the reason for the season? The scriptures tell us to forgive one another, because what we don’t forgive, we will be judged for as well! Search out the truth for yourselves! Don’t just take my word for it! Stay blessed True Nation of Israel. Shalom!

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Black art of words and tears
This has got to be the most outstanding, edifying, informative, and educational information on RACISM I have ever HEARD in ALL my LIFE! Each of us can always get better, when we have suffered: pain, hurt, disease, lies, trauma, the lost of a loved one, abuse, neglect and/or our hearts have been broken! The list of suffering is endless! Everyone has suffered some of these attributes, if not more!
Each and every time I hear from heaven in my spirit, it has to do with some of the following things in certain situations that are expressed to me, and what I need to work on. I do check myself daily and put my wrong thoughts and actions back in order and get back on the right path:

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Posted in DiLinda A. Adams-Hill Poetry, Family, Friends, Getting to know your friends better, Love and Like, Love My Soul Cries!, Love Poems and Poetry, Loving your friends, Oprah Winfrey, People you love, Poems, Poetry, Writings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tag Your Friends the People You Love!

Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 30 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 30 people to tag.

You have to tag the person who tagged you.

To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 30 random things, tag 30 people (in the right hand corner of the app)

 and then click publish.

If you do not have a notes tab on your profile page, you can create one by clicking on the “+” tab. It will let you choose notes and create a tab for you. It takes one tenth of a second. (Instruction by a friend)

This is my tag I owe!  I hope this is a lot of fun for other to do!

I hope that I am doing this right, this is my first time.  I am going to tag 30 of my friends and the friend that tag me.  This is really cool, just never really thought about it and actually did it.  I will do it if my friends ask me too.  Thanks for asking me my dear friend.

  1. I am my God’s beloved and He is my beloved.
  2. I hear God’s voice as if you or I were talking, and we talk every day.
  3. I have a cat that I consider a creature and I call him my touch and agree creature and when I pray I don’t feel like I am alone.  I named him King David in order to keep the prayers of King David in the bible alive after God’s own heart.  He is my first pet and the only pet I have ever had, that is my own.  I tried to get King David a friend and he got mad as hell and even hissed at me.  As to say, no cat but me can live here.  Ha ha!  He is so mean and likes to bite my fingers and my toes.  When I sleep I have to cover my toes or he will bite them.  He has gotten better over the three years I had him.
  4. When I was baby my father would give me a teaspoon of alcohol to make me go to sleep at night.
  5. I was a virgin until I was nineteen years old.
  6. My first car was a stick-shift at the age of 18 that my parents bought for me after I got my first job.
  7. I fell in love with a boy named Irwin Chaplin my first love.  He was my first date and he took me to my graduation dance.  I had loved him for over a year before he knew it.  I was get to the point that I had to tell him, but I didn’t want to come out and say it.  So, I thought if I make a friend that I know that can’t keep a secret I could get them to tell him.  So, I notice this girl that talked all the time and I sat with her at lunch and became her friend, it only took one lunch for her to tell him that I liked him.  The next day, I notice that he started treating my different, then he ask me to go to the dance with him.  I was the best night of my life.  A secret a girl can carry in her heart forever.  My parents were strict and did everything they could to break us up.  (Not going to talk about it, it hurts too much.)  Anyway, we got separated and the last time we saw each other, I said to him we can stay in touch and him being the person I thought he was, let me know that it would hurt him too much and he said, “this may very well be the last time we see or hear from each other. You are leaving and I am leaving!  I said “what if we see each other again?”  He said, “If we see each other it is met to be, if we don’t it is not met to be?  I will still love you now matter if I ever see you again or not.”  We cried holding each other that night, although we never made love, we love each other more than I can explain and I am leaving out most of the loving part, of how we grew with each other in the time we had and both of us knew it was coming to this point because of our parents.  Well, I have never seen or heard from him again and I don’t even know if he is alive or dead.  I love him today, as I have always loved him, and I will never stop loving him and no one can take my love of him away from me.
  8. I lived in Germany, Europe for 14 years of my life, before the Berlin Wall came down, and travel all over Germany on trips and with selected groups and as a Youth Activities Director when I got older.
  9. My baptism was a water walking experience.
  10. I play basketball on the varsity team in high school.
  11. While overseas I rode the bus 50 miles every day back and forth to school.
  12. I have never been arrested, and I don’t get high.
  13. When I was a Site Store Manager running three stores inside of Six flags mall and increase the sells 25% over last year.  They put me in the newspaper and they did an interview and they ask this one question. They said, “If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?”  I said, “I would probably give it all away to the poor and be broke tomorrow.”
  14. There is nothing about running a business I don’t know about or how to do it.
  15. I once won a dance contest.
  16. I use to volunteer to help children on the swim team for the Junior Olympics for the handicap when it first came out.
  17. I once saw a play about Jesus Christ overseas that the town only performed every 4 years and the whole town participated.  It was totally one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.
  18. Went to nursing school to be a nurse and when we had to learn to take blood, I couldn’t stand the site of blood and quite school for that reason, even though I was “A” student.
  19. I love to go fishing with my father, for he always makes me laugh about how the big one got away and it was my fault.
  20. I use to be a gymnast and a fashion model.
  21. I use to be on the softball team, and be on the drama team and won first place.
  22. I once made $65,000.00 for a company after working for them only two weeks.
  23. I have won so many awards from the community and the jobs I have had in my lifetime I can’t count them.
  24. I once was driving across country on my way home and out ran the police driving over 100 miles an hour, until I lost them.
  25. I love talking to people without the TV, radio or anything that distracts me from the sound of that person’s voice.
  26. I love to cook for large groups of people and make everyone that comes to my home feel like a king and queen.
  27. I love to read, write and talk for without these things I cannot live or breathe.
  28. I love to get to know people and become close friends and I will be there friend for life and pray for them every day for the rest of my life.
  29. I love to swim, dance, sing, play chess and dominoes, take long walks, go to live plays, give great parties.
  30. I never say, “I will never…!” For I know I will keep my integrity, but if there was no more food, I may cook the cat!  Also, when I make a promise I keep it with all of my heart.

DiLinda A. Adams-Hill

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~~~ My Alabaster’s Box ~~~

My Alabaster’s Box

The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart
It would take all of eternity to prove your innocence’s
Your unstained blood…
Did not spill on the sheets…
Eternities’ death cried and begged for the love of me…
The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart

Eternities’ death cried to kill me…
Praying lies with my spirit just to deceive me
Forever I asked…just for a little justice…
But, I know that eternities’ death commands you
Nothing but the truth can set you free in all world of humanity…
Although, true time has said, he would set me free
He promised me life and all my liberties’…
My alabaster’s box…would not even speak to thee…
I guess the proof is in the pudding…somewhere in my integrity
He promised me freedom from death of deceit…
I’m more real in you than I am in me…
He promised me that my soul…would not taste the cold waters’…
Inspiration of life is my only dream…
It’s like life fighting back for everything…
Well, you know something…everything is a Seed…
Praying on the Sabbath is everything I need
The Word speaks for itself…

He promised me the word of every good deed…
He promised me His blood and everything He be…
He promised me the word would know the truth
The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart

He promised me light in every single thing He sees
He promised His knowledge and every good to thee…
The only oil I have is the secretion of the Seed…
But, I guess you have to be an enmity …to know one
Unrequited love is no answer…
It is like telling God your Seed…ani’t no Seed…
To love your commandments is to love me…
For you belong to me and I belong to thee…
Just like drinking and smoking…why did you ask me?
The next thing you…you will say…is why did you have a dream
The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart

Just tell me you never made a sacrifice and I will believe
But, to imply that I ate the fruit of the forbidden scheme
You accused me and killed my love hidden from thee…
You judge me like a man and I am a woman
I need to find some grace somewhere…
The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart

All I can do…is pray in my despair…
Commandant in me…too baby!
The omnibus of my soul…sang
To the heart of my alabaster’s box
Remaining celibate to love, the love of my heart.

Copyright (c) 2011 DiLinda A. Adams- Hill

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~~~ One Soul of Love ~~~

Warmth divided the fire in my soul

Melting my sentiment into my thoughts of you

Eluding my passion to confuses my true feelings

I didn’t want my heart to think about you

That wilderness feeling I felt deep inside and alone

Left me shaken from the love you let me taste

Wanting your loving taste I could not forget

Captured my mind and buried in my soul

Forever wanting the need for you touch

Not willing to live without what I want

Too scared to demand love to come any nearer

Falling in love off the highest mountain

Too afraid to say what my heart will drop

You may understand how I feel

And there would be nothing left to be said.

These craving tearing me up inside out

As I hide how I really feel away from the world

You may not feel the same way

That would hurt even more

Than the words you refuse to say

Beckoning this enticing desire

To be quite and not say a word

Luring my passion to be nail at the stake

Holding my hands; not to grab yours

Feeding you my love just to ardor

Devoting my eagerness to a gentle glance

My passion so locked up they are about to give way

Holding back the joys of the feelings I want

Desires carved my mind, kissing my thoughts

I will never tell you the truth,

Without a piece of your heart

When we met it was like I wasn’t even in the room

You never noticed me or even seen my heart bloom

For hours we talk about the love you need

Not once did you think I was your happiness that pleased.

The greener grass side grows high and so very tall

Over the rainbows and underneath the blue waterfalls

Time walked by your blinded sight eyes

Creasing your morning with my delight attire

Days got shorter; the nights got longer

Whispers fade into a thought

Hopeless in love without a doubt

Yearning to want you, just once to touch

Wanting to feel you, a part of, I must

Tenderness creeps from the sound of my voice

For it is getting harder to speak

Choked on my love, in my heart so deep

Fragile is my soul, cracking so long overdue

Aching in this tremble, I can’t fix.


Wanting only the true essence, of love so fresh

The core of my heart blistering from want

My affections attached to this roller-coaster ride

Their meaning a mirage recorded in my heart

Without food or water, about to die of thirst

You are so attractive; I am never without you

Your beauty melts my soul; opens my heart

Without you, at night, all alone in the dark

The tears slip away, into that misted-eyed hope

My gripped pillow covering its face

Love can only speak of the truth that stays.

Days, months and years pass by without a doubt

Without large or small fortunes of love their about

Fall’s floating emptiness left me without you  

Winter’s cold chilled the pain in my heart

Spring’s sprouted weeds choking my love still

Summer’s heat, drilled my same lost wills

Long last love, long last again, and again

My love wants to be filled.

Copyright © 2011, DiLinda A. Adams-Hill

Posted in DiLinda A. Adams-Hill Poetry, Love and Like, Love My Soul Cries!, Love Poems and Poetry, Poems, Poetry, Soul, Writings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

~~~ WOE IS ME ! ~~~

~~~ Woe Is Me ~~~

Woe is me, I didn’t do nothing wrong,

Maybe you lied, stole and borrowed!

Woe is me, what did I do?

Maybe you cheat, and manipulated the truth!  Why don’t you get a life!

Woe is me why do they just hate me for no reason?

Maybe you hate them just as much!

Woe is me did they talk to you about me?

Why do you ask, if you haven’t did nothing!

Woe is me why does my family hate me, I didn’t do nothing?

Maybe you cursed your mother and your father!

Woe is me why are they are always laughing at me?

Maybe because you are paranoid and you made somethings up!

Woe is me I’m a good person.

Really, what is good about ya?

Woe is me why don’t they call me?

Maybe because all you are going to say is woe is me!

Woe is me, can I borrow some money, I promise I’ll pay you back?

No, I can’t afford it!

Woe is me can you watch my kids?

Nope, got to go to work!

Woe is me can I borrow some money to pay my light bill.

Nope, I need to pay no own light bill!

Woe is me I need to get my hair and nails done.

I thought you just said you needed money for your light bill!

Woe is me my children hate me!

Maybe cause you only care about yourself!

Woe is me why did my husband cheat on me.

Cause you care more about yourself than you do him.

Woe is me she thinks she is better than everybody else.

Maybe you are just jealous because she has got it going on!

Woe is me why didn’t I get that promotion

Maybe you are drama, drama, drama and no one wants to deal with you.

Woe is me I’m doing worse off than you are.

Maybe you would do better if you made sacrifices like everyone else!

Woe is me I hate him.

Maybe you hate him cause he knows the real you!

Woe is me what did I do?

You complain all the time about your woe is me!

Woe is me you think your word is gold.

Maybe cause you never said anything about what you think.

Woe is me you are not better than me.

Why are you worried about who is better when I want you to be better than me.

Woe is me no one loves me.

Maybe you don’t love anyone else.

Woe is me everyone mistreats me.

Really what did they do, or are you just making something up?

Woe is me so think she is so pretty.

You are jealous because your heart is ugly.

Woe is me she thinks she looks so good.

Why do you worry about how she looks and lie about what she thinks?

Woe is me I don’t have any friends.

It takes a friend to be a friend and you are not a friends.

Woe is me can I borrow some money to pay my rent?

Nope, I have got to pay my own rent.

Woe is me they always lie about me.

Really what did they say or are you lying about them?

Woe is me I look good in front of others.

No, you put others down to make yourself look good!  I wish you would grow up and be a real woman about yourself!  Because I hate your lies you tell about your woe is me!

Copyright ©2011, DiLinda A. Adams Hill

Posted in DiLinda A. Adams-Hill Poetry, Love and Like, Love Poems and Poetry, Poems, Poetry, Soul, Writings | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

~~~ DO YOU LIKE ME? ~~~

Do you like me?

I don’t hate you, or the things you do.

What do you like about me?

I don’t talk about you behind your back, if I have something to say, I’ll say it to your face.

Do you like my friendship?

You are to kind and you have always been a friend, and we never have arguments.

Do you like what I say?

You are down to earth and so real, and you are always positive and never have a bad thing to say.

Do you like that I am by your side?

You always have words of wisdom and you never cruse or say a bad word about anybody.

Do you think I am a good friend?

We’ve been friends a long time. You have been by my side and help take care of my kids and you seem so helpful.

Do you like me or love me?

I like the way you never change your mind or lie for anyone and you always seem to care.

Do you like me more than pizza or football?

I like the way you always pick me up when I am down and been by my side.

So you like that I care and you still don’t know if you love me.

I like you, really I do, and I like you a lot.

If you like me why is it so hard for you to express it?

I like you as a friend, I am close to you, and I don’t resent you, or want to hurt you.

So you think I’m ok?

Sure, you are my best friend and I care about you a lot!

Copyright © 2011, DiLinda A. Adams-Hill

Posted in DiLinda A. Adams-Hill Poetry, Love and Like, Love Poems and Poetry, Poems, Poetry, Soul, Writings | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment